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the-south-asian.com                         7  August   2000

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‘Balanced, Blended & Bright’

 Tareq Salahi



L to R: Tareq Salahi - Wine has been my whole life’; with Prince Charles at a polo match in the UK; with his father in Oasis vineyard.


He is young, affable, makes award-winning wines, plays polo for the U.S. national team, works 8 days a week and creates a sparkling wine rated among the top ten in the world. At 31, Tareq Salahi has the wine lovers of the world wondering how he did it – in Virginia!


Tareq Salahi owns and runs the Oasis Winery in Virginia – a family venture started by his father 25 years ago. Tareq describes the business as ‘a family hobby gone mad!’

"My father has been making wine since he was 18 as his hobby for friends, family. When he came to Virginia, he planted a vineyard 25 years ago. He planted 1 acre – now we have 100 acres in the same location. Today we are the first winery in the history of winemaking in North America to be added to the top 10 list of the world published by the Wine Enthusiast magazine. Our champagne was rated top 10".

Born and raised into the wine industry, Tareq’s first passion in life, not unpredictably, is wine! He earned a degree in Enology [wine making] and another in Business Management – from the University of California at Davis - a combination as perfect as his blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. Tareq took over the running of the winery six years ago, and as its CEO has won acclaim and awards for the Oasis wines at a pace matched only by the swiftness of a jaguar.

Of mixed parentage – Tareq’s father’s side of the family is from Pakistan, though his father was born in Jerusalem, while his mother is from Belgium. Tareq has an older brother "- a doctor, who preaches the health benefits of wine – especially red wine!"


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